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Admit it or not, we have to face the fact, we are in a literal war with China.

Years ago, we were given a gift of two ATVs that were made in China. On the surface, it seemed like quite an amazing gift. Unfortunately, in a matter of months, we realized that you kind of get what you pay for. Now, 10 years later, Chinese ATVs still leave something to be desired, yet they sell big. For the consumer, they’re cheap, in many cases, 1/3 the price of more reputable and well-known brands. For the Chinese companies that sell them, they’re cheap to manufacture and cheap to sell. But the fact still remains: tens of thousands of people make the decision to buy Chinese, and the net effect is that when it comes to ATVs, in many respects, the Chinese are eating the big brands' lunches. When you started reading this post, you might have thought it was going to be about a literal war with China. Well, the reality is that we are at war with China, and over the last 3 years, we have suffered millions of casualties, including over 100,000 dead in 2023 alone. What are we talking ab
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It will start with TikTok and end up silancing Concervatives in this country.

This is absolutely an affront to limit freedom of speech. The temptation to eliminate the Chinese government's influence over the information on TikTok is understandable, however in a free country, it would seem to be a totalitarian action akin to, if not equal to, the totalitarian aspects of the Chinese government that we espouse to hate. Perhaps a better approach might be to inundate TikTok with opposing views to those views that we feel are damaging to our youth. The precedent that is going to be set with this action will 100% percent be used against the American people in very short order. This law is not just about TikTok, it is about censorship and government control! If it were just about TikTok, it would only cite “foreign control” as the issue, but it does not. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 12, 2024 Reality Is Truth    Return To:  

Everyone is Questioning Biden's State... Of The Union

  There is an excellent evaluation of the current state of the union by Jerrett Stepmon over at The Daily Signal . His article from March 6, 2024, entitled: 6 Big Failures of Biden's Presidency , provides a critical overview of President Joe Biden's tenure, painting a bleak picture of the state of the union. It starts by asserting; "The State of the Union is febble ." and goes on to show how most Americans feel uneasy and pessimistic about the country's future, attributing this sentiment to a lack of confidence in institutions and the failures of the Biden administration. The article outlines what it considers to be six major failures of the Biden presidency: Border Crisis: It highlights what it sees as mishandling of immigration policy, accusing the administration of facilitating illegal immigration, dismantling border security measures, and using illegal immigration for political gain. DEI Bureaucratic Cultural Revolution: The article criticizes the administ

What Ended The Roman Empire? Here’s a hint:

  You ever wonder how the Roman Empire fell? It was the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth for centuries, but yet it ultimately fell into ruin. There were two main causes. Firstly everyday Romans had become adverse to taking care of the daily tasks of life, like cleaning their homes and taking care of their property, so they started importing immigrants to do this for them. You know to do the jobs that Romans didn’t want to do. Secondly, they also became weary of actually defending themselves, so they got into the habit of filling their military with foreigners. Until one day, those foreigners realize they were the ones who were actually in charge. Tucker Carlson recently took a look at how closely what’s happening in the United States is what happened in Roman about 476 AD.  We are including a synopsis of how the conversation went if you want to listen to the complete discussion; watch the video from Tucker Carlson on X at the end of this post.  Tucker Carlson's discuss

What does the Constitution say about how we elect President, Vice-President, Congress, and Senators?

  Article 1  Section 1: The Executive Branch T he executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States,

It's not wrong to want to fix the problems with the 2020 Presidential Elections

  A few weeks ago we published an article outlining some of the many  problems with the 2020 presidential election . As more and more information becomes available the reality of these problems can no longer easily be denied. Last week Molly Hemingway editor-in-chief of the The Federalist , testified before Congress. She so eloquently sounded the alarm on everything that was wrong with the 2020 presidential election and the fact that nothing has really been done to prevent it from happening again. As with our own article on this topic, it was not her goal here to say that the 2020 election was stolen, it was her goal to point out that the outcome of our Presidential elections can absolutely be altered.   While Molly Hemingway in her comments did not mention this it's worth pointing out that Joseph Stalin , the World War II-era communist dictator of the USSR, infamously said; "Any politician of any consequence should easily be able to alter the outcome of an election." The

The reason the legacy media think Tucker Carlson is in Putin's pocket:

Answer: Because the interview has 195 million views.   Here is how Legacy Media performs: FoxNews:  1.85 million viewers ABC World News Tonight: 8.082 million  viewers NBC Nightly News:  6.746 million viewers CBS Evening News:  4.997 million As for the interview, it shows Putin to be everything we knew he was. It showed him to be a confident and capable leader something the legacy media had been reporting for over two years that he wasn't. It also exposed him as a revisionist historian, a liar, and a demagogue. But by far the biggest thing that it showed was because of the legacy media, the left-wing elitist establishment, and the governmental mischaracterization of the Jan 6 protests as insurrection the United States, under Joe Biden, has lost all moral credibility because we too have become revisionist historians, liars, and demagogues.   This should be no surprise however being the Left in the United States and Vladimir Putin have both cut their political teeth on Communist ideo

Leftist Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is an economic framework for disaster!

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is an economic framework that challenges conventional views [reality] on government spending and deficits. In a nutshell, MMT argues that a government that issues its own currency can't go bankrupt in that currency because it can print more money when needed. MMT suggests that the key constraint on government spending is the potential for inflation, not the level of debt deflation of its currency. In the context of huge deficits, MMT proponents argue that deficits themselves aren't inherently bad. They can be used to stimulate economic activity, especially in times of recession or crisis. MMT suggests that as long as there are available resources (like unemployed labor or idle factories), the government can spend money without causing inflation. An idea that has been proven wrong for generations and has caused  hyperinflation in every real-world situation where it has been tried.   MMT Policies At Work MMT ignores economic realities and inevitably c

Biden: "The American public is tired of being played for suckers".

  Take a look at this video that shows Biden's opinion that something really needs to be done about inflation. Inflation is not something that is caused by businesses inflation is something that is caused by bad policy of our government something that Joe Biden has presided over for the last 3 years.  It's very important to understand that manufacturers are only making things smaller because the ingredients and cost of doing business have increased so rapidly that the price increases they would have to put on their products would be shocking to their customers.  The "something" that needs to be done is we must elect individuals who are dealing in reality. Biden is 100% right, "The American public is tired of being played for suckers". They think we're stupid! Reality Is Truth    Return To:

The Open Southern Border and the Democrats' Racist Notions: Brown-Skinned People and Manipulation

This is a lithograph depicting representatives of the 41st and 42nd Congress of the United States (1892) who were the first persons of color to serve in this capacity in our legislative branch of government. They were all Republicans and today represents a reminder of how easy it is for a society to destroy the hopes and dreams of whole generations of people in order to achieve and hold political dominance. When discussing our open southern border in the United States, identity politics and political affiliations often intersect, leading to a troubling reality. The belief of the Democrat Party that brown-skinned people are easier to manipulate and control, particularly in the context of electoral politics. We are going to examine the racist implications of this belief, highlighting its racist nature and emphasizing the importance of rejecting such stereotypes. Additionally, we will show that this has been a decades-old plan for Democrats one that they are currently executing. We will