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They Say Beauty is Skin Deep, But It's a Lot Deeper Than Leftist Logic.


There are so many examples of how the Left just do not have the intellectual depth to muster up an intellectual discussion on almost any topic. Here is the latest example:

The beginning of intellectual debate is logic.  The "fact" that is being ignored in this diluted argument here is that easily 99% of those who are infected with COVID-19 have symptoms that are not even bad enough for them to be hospitalized. The Reality Is that Trump's COVID experience along with the experience of the others who have been impacted in the Whitehouse reflect this fact. COVID-19 is NOT a death sentence and in most cases is not even as bad as the flu.  Here are the latest updated statistics (stats are Science) from

What the graph shows is that COVID-related deaths are at about the same level as they are at the height of the flu season. The good news is that the impact of the virus has seemingly leveled off and to some extent continues to go down.  

Each individual is responsible for their own health.  It's a free country, we can stay home and hide away if we want to. We all know what we need to do to protect ourselves; social distance, wear masks when social distancing is impossible, isolate the sick, protect those most at risk.  Folks, that is about all we can do. This genie can not be put back in the bottle. This is what Trump was encouraging us all to do this week as he returned to the Whitehouse. We can't cut off our nose to spite our face.


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