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Showing posts from September 27, 2020

The Reality of Using Judges to Grab Power

  The historical use of the courts in a free society to install totalitarian rule is not new.  With the recent threats from the Democrats about "stacking the court" and creating 2 or 3 new Democrat states. Here is an article that we published on back in June 2009. This is how you overthrow a free society.  Here is the article: The Reality of Using Judges to Grab Power   Fully 1/3 of the historic Nuremberg trials, held after the surrender of Germany at the end World War II, were spent trying the Judges who cleared a path for Hitler's most horrific abuses of power.  These judges used their power re-interpreting the laws, and/or ignoring them all-together. The bottom line is that judges helped Hitler avoid completely the requirements of Germany's judicial system. These actions gave the Third Reich limitless power and voided all accountability to any law. For 60 years, in response to Fascist fears, the elite in the United States have echoed the refrain that i

Mind Boggling How Anyone Takes CNN Commentators Seriously Anymore

Unlikely that Lemon is really this stupid. Most likely is that he thinks his viewers are stupid and will never do one second of research. Sadly, in the case of his viewers, he might be right. Bill Clinton won two terms as President assuming his average supporter was too stupid to figure it out.

Leftists Always Wish Death and Pestilence on Those Whom They Disagree

Not a real surprise these folks often wish for the death or injury of those they disagree with.  It's the same reason that they riot, their arguments have no real logic. Their political beliefs have been largely rejected by the voters so they resort to power by force.

The Real BLM

  There are suckers born every minute and there are none bigger than the BLM followers. >

The Truth Matters!

The Press keeps reporting the racist lies about Trump. Just because they report it will not make it true.

New Fascists Would in a Second Become Old Fashioned Kind of Fascists

We write often of how the New Fascists would in a second become the old-fashioned kind of Fascists and start killing those who they find to be undesirable. Well here is proof of what we have warned from the former Twitter CEO.  Fascism never changes . It is all about totalitarianism and forcing people to bend to the will of the Elite.  The non-fascist is always the enemy, always the problem. Also, do not be fooled that because this is not about race and it is not about militarism that it is not  Fascism .  All you have to do is turn on the TV and watch the riots and who is targeted. Do not think for a minute this would be any different without the protections that our Constitution provides. However, the Democrats have their eye on reducing the power of the constitution with their open discussion of packing the Supreme Court by adding judges that they are allowed to choose if they win the election. This is the exact same thing that Hitler did in 1933 in order to allow him to do all the

There is a Real Problem with Media

Everyone has a political view, but these folks are real Democrat insiders and those folks can never become objective journalists.

The Media are Truly Spoiled Children

  If only they would hold their breath until they get their way.


The latest COVID-19 numbers are truly inspiring. Of the 7,684,543 currently active cases only 1% are requiring hospitalization. This is not what the media is reporting, but is exactly what the Trump administration has been saying. Fewer deaths, extremely low hospitalizations and clearly 99% are mild cases. Here is the breakdown: As if that were not enough great news, the following graphic shows that New Cases have actually been essentially flat since April. This is strong evidence that COVID-19 is under control and is unlikely to resurge.  Source :

The Bull In the China Shop vs. the Slick Politician

So last night's debate showed the clear choice and ultimately it will depend on what the American people want in their President. The brash asshole who gets things done or the polished politician who will go-along-to-get-along and never get anything done. Here is a great example from Breitbart of how the concomitant politician will respond while being confronted by his own questionable activities. Once confronted with the report that his son received millions of dollars from the wife of the Mayor of Moscow he responded as Hillary responded when she was confronted about deleting emails and destroying cell phones, she responded with the statement "That has been debunked".   We know now that Hillary's folks did delete emails and did destroy their cell phones. Democrat politicians have the luxury of the liberal media who will cover for them with articles questioning legitimate reporting that might hurt them. This gives them the ability to say "it's been debunked

It's Time We Learn to Live with COVID

The Democrat party has put forth this myth that COVID-19 will somehow, someday simply go away.  Joe Biden recently said that Donald Trump was responsible for every COVID death, which of course is ridiculous.  What are we supposed to believe that Joe Biden and the Democrats could have prevented COVID?  The Reality Is that this thing will be with us forever, it will never go away. Over a period of several years we will likely figure out a way to fight it but as with all the other flu that society is forced to deal with we will be forced to deal with COVID year after year.  We know what we need to do to protect ourselves. Time to learn to live with it instead of holding on to false hopes that have been artificially generated for political reasons. Good article from Hannah Bleau over at Breitbart: “We’re also saying everybody has an opportunity and a right to work. Every business has the right to operate. Some of the locals may be able to — they can do reasonable regulations, but they can