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Showing posts from October 11, 2020

This is What They Wish Would Happen

It's just so sad these libs and the way they hate. Not sure why it is so hard for the left to understand that no one requires anyone to do anything. The great thing about our nation is that you are free to hide away and never go out. You are free to live in fear if you want to. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. But it is good that they are helping people find the event.

Still Doing His Job


Support Is Building




Which Is It?




Seeing Is Believing


COVID-19 Update :

Out of 2.6 Million Infected Only 14K Hospitalized Nationwide Daily deaths due to COVID-19 have been going down for going on 3 months now, even as the number of cases continue to go up.  Also, more extremely good news this week showing that of the currently 2,644,043 persons who are actively positive with COVID-19 only 14,716 persons even required hospitalization.  The thing that is so encouraging about these numbers is that even though the number of cases continues to rise (which was and is expected as we open up society) the impact on those who get the virus is extremely low.   Additionally the latest statistics (statistics are science) show that as of today the average American, each day, has just over a 0.012% chance of contracting the virus, which is approx. 1/10th of 1% chance of even getting the virus. These numbers do not show the monster that the media wants us to fear. These numbers support the idea of not living our lives in fear of the virus. Source:

They Sell Hopelessness