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Showing posts from October 18, 2020

Bailing-out Spendthrift States

The President is ready to sign something to help the American people and he has been ready. But Dems want to use taxes from successfully run states to bailout wasteful spendthrift states. They are holding the American people hostage!

Piers Morgan on the media dismissing Hunter Biden reports after the debate:


10 Held by H for the Big Guy

  Devon Archer, far left, with former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, far right, in 2014. “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”  It's very hard to explain this,  yet they will try. Oddly enough it's kind of funny how this mirrors how socialist regimes make deals. There is always some money for the big guy in every deal. Read more here:   (You will likely have to cut and paste this link. Google is not allow access to these stories through their servers.)

Obama's Reality


The People Who's Tweets are Never Blocked or Restricted

While the New York Post , one of the nation's oldest newspapers in the nation, is being completely blocked on Twitter Neo-Nazi's, Islamic Terrorists Leaders, Murders, Socialist Dictators, and Antisemites can Tweet freely.  If they truly believed the whole Biden family profiting from his political career thing was a complete conspiracy theory, wouldn't they also block all comments about Bigfoot and Alien abduction as well? The American people can decide for themselves what is a hoax and what is information they need and want.

Influencing an Election by Payment In-kind


Ben's Vote


100 Years?

  Joe Biden in one of his recent campaign events said that COVID-19 has "killed more people in one year, this year, than in the last 100 years!" Wow that sounds bad.  Wait a minutes, COVID-19 did not exist before this year. Well at least he is not lying.