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Showing posts from October 25, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Impact Remains Low Even With Increase In Cases

  Even with the new increase in cases , the impact on each individual American is low . Here are the statistics from yesterday: Yesterday (10-29-2020) each American had a 0.028 chance of contracting COVID-19 . As of today11,221,406 persons worldwide have COVID-19. 99% of those who have the virus, statistics show, will have mild reactions to the virus. 1% will have a reaction that might require hospitalization. In the United States, 2,997,331 persons have COVID-19. Of those, only 16,950 (.0052 of the population) have a reaction that might require hospitalization, Nationwide!  This represents an effectively 0% chance of overwhelming our health systems.  In the US, deaths have been  flat for two months , even with the current spike in cases. The importance of these statistics can not be undervalued. What these numbers show is that we know how to live with this virus. Don't forget that in week 2 of this pandemic the CDC said that 70 to 75 percent of all Americans would get COVID-19 in

A Presidential Candidate Needs to Earn Our Vote

  A Candidate for president should campaign hard for that opportunity. Not seclude himself and just assume he will win because he deserves it. This is the main difference between being an elitist and the rest of us.

Dems Continue to Get a Pass (Lying Incorporated)

  But ignored, as usual, by the legacy press.

The "Science" of Statistics Tells Us "New Cases" Becoming More Statistically Insignificant

  COVID-19 UPDATED STATS: Worldwide there are only 10,212,685 persons with COVID-19. We say "only" because that represents a 1/2 of 1% (0.0554) of the world population. Of that number less than 1% have a serious or critical case of COVID-19. That is 99% of those who get the virus have "mild" symptoms. In the United States, there are 2,877,604 persons with COVID-19 with only 16,363 persons with a serious or critical symptoms (possibly requiring hospitalization). That means of of those who have COVID-19 today, in the US, 1/2 of 1% (0.57) are even sick enough to be hospitalized. As for deaths, in the United States, the average citizen has a less than 7/10th of 1% (0.06) chance of dying from COVID-19. With these numbers the "science" of statistics tells us that the number of "new cases" is becoming more and more statistically insignificant as an impact to society as a whole. Source: worldometer.inf/coronavirus

History Shows Illegals Do Not Really Want Citizenship

  If history is any indication from previous amnesty attempts by both parties, by and large, illegals do not really want citizenship, they mostly want their illegal status to be decriminalized. Once that is done, they will have the perfect status, able to legally participate fully in our society without paying any income-related taxes. However, making an appeal to illegals in order to get their illegal votes is par for the course. Dems will take whatever votes they can get at this point, illegal, made-up, changed, or miscounted.

Violating the Law is Business as Usual for Dems

  Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3) - all organizations are absolutely "... prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office..." So funny how Democrats have used churches to do this for decades and how this law is only applied to conservative politics. Be assured, there will be systemic double standards in our governmental systems if Democrats are allowed to build the America they want.

Meanwhile, the Senate continues to do its job!