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Showing posts from November 8, 2020

Updating the U.S. government's rules for becoming President of the United States

  Updating the U.S. government's poster showing the rules for becoming President of the United States. Please evaluate and approve changes as listed and where indicated: Step 2A Bribe someone in each state's printing office to obtain a copy of the official state ballot. Step 3A As swing states close polling locations flood key precincts with hundreds of thousands of fake ballots, but only make 90% of the ballots for your candidate. Bribe a few polling volunteers to mix the fake ballots with the day-of ballots so they will be very hard to track if the cheating is exposed. Step 3B Prevent observers from watching the count. Have hundreds of lawyers in each state to prevent the courts from reviewing the ballots at all costs. Step 3C Claim victory and flood the streets with supporters to make it appear that your candidate has won. Make sure to do this before the count is completed and before the Electoral College meets to certify the vote. Step 4B Celebrate! You have successfully p