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Showing posts from 2021

Identity, Privilege, and Pissing It Away

We are all very privileged to live in a country where there is so much opportunity, no matter ones race. However many Americans waste the opportunities that are available to them. Take myself for instance, I was given a tremendous opportunity to go to college even though I did not have the financial capability to pay for it myself. The privilege that I had as a white American was being able to utilize grants and low interest loans that put my college education within reach. So I went to college and I signed the forms and received the grants and the loans. However, I did not study. I did not really apply myself and had to drop courses in order to avoid bad grades for classes I did not attend. Eventually my opportunities began to run out because I wasted them. Campus Reform recently published an article on White Privilege and Loyola University requiring a “identity and privilege” teaching being included in each academic unit. Likely this teaching will really be about White Privilege (whi