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Reactions, Not Actions, Change World History.


December 8th, and December 11th, 1941 were the most significant and impactful days in the World War II era. It was not the invasion of Poland, or the invasion of Czechoslovakia. It was not the invasion of China or the attack on Pearl Harbor.  December 8th and December 11th were the days that the United States declared war on Japan and Germany. Why were these the most significant events during this tumultuous era? Because it is reactions, not actions, that change history.

As we have watched Russia invade Ukraine over the last few days it is hard to ignore that very similar actions were taken by Germany and, oddly enough, Russia in 1939,  when both nations invaded Poland. Many of the justifications offered by Hitler and Stalin, just days later, sound very similar as those given today for Russia to enter Ukraine. In 1939 both Russia and Germany invaded Poland in order to protect ethnic Germans and Ukrainians (Russians) in the region. 

Did you see that? Russia indeed entered Poland in 1939 to "protect ethnic Ukrainians" and that is what Putin has stated is his reason for entering Ukraine today. 

Did you see that? Russia indeed entered Poland in 1939 to "protect ethnic Ukrainians" and FoxNews is reporting here that this is what Putin has stated to be his reason for entering Ukraine today. We won't go into too much detail here but it goes back to the 1500s, just know that Russia sees Ukraine as part of Russia (modern Ukrainians would not agree) and this fact has been in dispute since World War I.  But today the United States and the other European nations will have to react to this new invasion of Ukraine.

We posted yesterday the dilemma that Joe Biden finds himself in.  His generally understood weakness as a man, and as a leader, has brought us to this moment.  Putin knows that the United States does not have the stomach for real war.  Without the US, NATO doesn't have the fortitude to sustain anything in opposition to Russia.  So the bottomline is that Putin (Russia) holds all the cards. 

Putin knows the US has elected a completely impotent leader in Joe Biden and the Democrat party, who control congress, are more interested in imagined social justice than influencing the world geo-political socio-economic future. 

The Biden administration's Achilles' heel is their complete inability to understand economics. His administration will watch in complete confusion as the world economy reacts to this and will eventually do whatever it takes to end it and the only way that is done quickly is to give Putin exactly what he wants. Putin knows the US has elected a completely impotent leader in Joe Biden and the Democrat party, who control congress, are more interested in imagined social justice than influencing the world geo-political, socio-economic future. 


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