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Showing posts from January 30, 2022

When Leftist Thinking Becomes Victimizing

Over the years there have been times when leftist thinking becomes so complex and asinine that Leftists themselves get lost in the lack of logic.  Whoopi Goldberg has fallen in to this trap. The Left finds success in persons who want so badly to be perceived as intellectuals by their peer group that they forgo thinking things out before speaking.  Leftist thinking is 100% based on persons repeating what they have been told. Every institution of the left rewards an individual for their ability to parrot information without ever really questioning it. This starts in college when students, who want to succeed, must be able to completely articulate a left leaning worldview in order to have any hope of graduating.  One's intelligence is measured primarily by their ability to agree wholeheartedly with the Leftist Educational Complex. Unfortunately this "programing" has a tendency to cause normally intelligent people to get lazy in their logic and resort to saying things that th

NASCAR's new "non-political" sponsorship rules, obviously "... meant for THEE not ME"

As usual the Left shows its self for what it really is with its new NASCAR global sponsorship parter,  Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce .  The "... meant for THEE not ME" policy is typical Left-wing, Elitist fodder.  This is a good examination from The Federalist. Reality Is Truth supports Freedom of Speech and believes that both   Carolinas LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce and should be allowed to be NASCAR sponsors and that is the way it would be if not for the politically motivated NASCAR leadership.  What do you think?