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Showing posts from February 6, 2022

Trump - "...decertify this fraudulent Election?"

It is very important that we catalog all these failures of the US election system and Donald Trump points out several issues in Wisconsin during the 2020 election.  What many people don't understand however is that once a State authorizes and finalizes it's election results they will not and likely can not be revoked.  Allowing States to decide how they run national elections is important. We would never want a system that is 100% controlled by the bureaucracy in DC, especially now that it is so obvious that our systems of government in Washington has been completely compromised.  50,000 illegal phantom votes (twice the “victory” margin) apartment building with 102 percent turnout rate  113 ballots cast from an address where no one lives 3,713 “voters” registered to U.S. Post Offices 625,000 dead people 46,000 votes (never verified by the state) Even more Voter Fraud was just discovered in Wisconsin. It shows the Election was Rigged and Stolen. A hearing this week revealed at l

BIDEN - No. How do you do that? How do you even find them?

So effectively Biden underestimates the Taliban and he is scared sh#tless of the Russians. It sure feels good to be an American in 2022 because there is nothing that Biden would not do to avoid protecting you. HOLT: Not even on behalf of simply evacuating Americans? BIDEN: No. How do you do that? How do you even find them? This is not like — I'm hoping that if in fact [Vladimir Putin's] foolish enough to go in, he's smart enough not to in fact do anything that would negatively impact on American citizens.

Democrats Abuse Power Through Bullying and Intimidation

There are so many lessons in history where the Democrats, once they achieve power, rarely shying away from using it and abusing it. Democrats know how easy it is to bully people and how to make them feel inadequate to challenge big moves. We saw this play out in thousands of polling locations nationwide during the last presidential election. This article from PJ Media is an excellent examination of the most recent example, this time at the school board level of the education system. They come in, they push their way to the top and then they use an in-your-face style of intimidation to get people to back down. The biggest challenge Republicans have is they are all wimps. They are historically timid and have found themselves preferring the minority role in our governance. With the exception of Teddy Roosevelt and Donald Trump, Republicans have historically not had a stomach for the fight. Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney with Mitch McConnell rolled in are the current examples of a quivering wi

Video: FCC Nominee Willing to Target Conservative Media

Now that the Left is, full bore, trying to define every idea that challenge their views as "misinformation".  This could be a BIG problem for Freedom of Speech in this country.

16 Billion Reasons We Can't Trust Bureaucracies

Somehow knew that all this overreaction to COVID would circle back around to other people's money. It's always about the money. Leftist bureaucracies stock-and-trade is to steal money from productive Capitalist nations and push it into failed Socialist nations, while at the same time making themselves rich. This is all under the pretense of helping the impoverished while inevitably stashing 70% or more of the money in some bureaucrat's pocket.  Leftists love to talk about Big Oil, Big Business, but never talk about Big Government.   The reality is, Organized Crime has nothing on government funded bureaucracies. In this article from Breitbart,  Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, promises to fix a global health emergency that has effectively already been solved for months. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the globalist organization, has  said  “if higher-income countries pay their fair share” of the ACT-Accelerator scheme “we can end COVID-19 as a global health

1933 - "Time and again, they used legal means to give their actions a semblance of legality."

" After taking power, Hitler and the Nazis turned Germany into a dictatorship. Time and again, they used legal means to give their actions a semblance of legality. Step by step, Hitler managed to erode democracy until it was just a hollow facade. Things did not end there, though." (from, Germany 1933: from Democracy to Dictatorship - Anne Frank House) People forget that at the time of the Nazi's coming to power in 1933, Germany was considered the most advanced, cutting edge, nation on earth. They were not backward or even particularly conservative. To assume it could never happen in our generation, in a modern Western nation, would be naïve to say the least.

We have to take it back!

Biden blames the Second Amendment and lawful gun owners for rising crime!

  President Biden was  joined  by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams for a “Gun Violence Strategies Partnership”  meeting  to talk about how to solve the crime surge, particularly those involving firearms. Instead of real solutions, the focus devolved into blaming law-abiding gun owners and again pushing a gun control agenda.

Hitler - Jews not an inferior race?

  Yeah except for that one little thing when he called them an inferior race in his book Mein Kampf.  I mean for sure the Nazis called Jews animals, rats, and pretty much all the same things that the Left call Conservatives and Libertarians today.

Video - Just a Shuttle Service for Illegal Entrants

  If you don't have borders you don't have a country. It seems that the Biden administration understands that when it comes to Ukraine, but can't see it at all when it comes to the US. It is a question they need to answer. 

DNA Is Science

The Left is so dedicated to listening to "the science" when it comes to climate change; well biological sex is science and supported fully by DNA. This is a step that every state should take to fight this lie of the Left. SD Senate Bill 46: Any interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team, sport, or athletic event that is sponsored or sanctioned by an accredited school, school district, an activities association or organization, or an institution of higher education under the control of either the Board of Regents or the Board of Technical Education must be designated as one of the following, based on the biological sex at birth of the participating students.

More evidence that we must always fight for our freedom.

  We used to roll our eyes when our teachers told us that "...freedom isn't free" or that "...we have to fight for our freedoms," no one is rolling their eyes anymore.  This is an excellent article from the Federalist showing that fighting for our freedoms is truer now than it has ever been. When representatives of government use their positions to pressure (threat) a private company when those companies are simply exercising their constitutional right of freedom of speech we can clearly see a deep disintegration of our countries founding principles.   The Supreme Cour t ruled hat " B antam Books  held that the state commission’s practice of sending threatening letters created an unconstitutional “system of informal censorship.” Further, even though the commission lacked any statutory enforcement power, the high court held “that the commission deliberately set about to achieve the suppression of publications deemed ‘objectionable’ and succeeded in its aim.”

Spotify's latest support statement for freedom of speech

We really have come to a place where,  "reason," has to win over, " hysteria."  The one thing we have learned from the COVID overreaction is that the Left will take everything that you are willing to give them. This includes all of our founding freedoms and our ability to resist their worldview. Every sane person needs to stand their ground.  Great review of Spotify's latest support statement for freedom of speech - From the DailyWire.  

There is something we forgot to tell our children ...

  We all taught our children that it was good to pretend, but there is something we forgot to tell them.

Own It !

  Hmmm, not sure we can add anything to this:

The American People - "You didn't do that!"

  So, the American people take back their lives, ignore the bureaucratic overreaction to COVID, return to living their lives, and the WH takes credit for that? Priceless.

Statistics are Science

Scientifically, the virus has been predictable and confined to a consistent rate. By mid-April 2020, worldwide, we had successfully flattened the curve and learned to live with it.   Daily Cases Growth Factor Growth Factor Daily Cases Growth Factor Jan 24, 2020 Oct 31, 2021 Mar 02, 2020 Apr 09, 2020 May 17, 2020 Jun 24, 2020 Aug 01, 2020 Sep 08, 2020 Oct 16, 2020 Nov 23, 2020 Dec 31, 2020 Feb 07, 2021 Mar 17, 2021 Apr 24, 2021 Jun 01, 2021 Jul 09, 2021 Aug 16, 2021 Sep 23, 2021 Dec 08, 2021 Jan 15, 2022 0 2 4 6 8 Daily Cases Growth Factor Source:   Worldometer   -   Things have not changed much in the "Science" regarding COVID. H ere are the latest government numbers on the “growth” of the virus. You can see that the major decline in its growth took place way back in March 2020 . Since then, as you can see, it has been relatively flat. The most important thing to take away from this chart is that the “pandemic” became “endemic” (like the flu) around the first of April 2020.