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Showing posts from February 13, 2022

American Racism was invented by democrats.

Do some research and see which party has propitiated racism in US history. They talk a good game, about the parties swapping places but it’s all a lie. Democrats, even today, support policies that overtly say that African Americans in our society can’t figure out how to get drivers licenses, can’t figure out how to register to vote and can’t even figure out how to find and utilize their assigned polling location. To Democrats African American’s need “help” on test scores, need “help” to gain entry into college and need special consideration when applying for a job. 

Mandates and the Consent of the Governed

Man is not made for the State but the State for man and it derives its just powers only from the consent of the governed. — Thomas Jefferson Here at Reality Is Truth we like to try always to deal with the realities of any given situation or any given moment in time. These times, in regard to COVID-19 restrictions and mandates, are a great example of Thomas Jefferson's famous statement related to the "consent of the governed".  This idea, in a very real way, defined our nation and caught fire spreading around the world. It is truly the overriding truth of societies generally. Even dictatorships will fall when the governed decide they have had enough. Well, Liberal or Conservative, people have had enough. The Reality is that today, roughly 2 years into this COVID overreaction, people are ignoring requirements and mandates on a grand scale. Even the Left, who politically still loudly support mandates ignore them (as we saw during the Super Bowl. In fact, the adherence to ma

The FBI Quickly Becoming the Left's KGB

It's good to see someone standing up to Big Government. If you don't think the bureaucracy is not out to eliminate any idea or power that stands in the way of it controlling everything in our society you need to think again. This article from ACLJ .org shows how they are taking action to expose how our systems of government are being used to prevent "outsiders" from gaining any power at all. They want a Marxist State where every single person is 100% dependent on the Elites for everything.

Conservatism is the target!

What kind of horse sh@t is this? Trudeau is indeed “shopping around” to eliminate views alternative to his own.

Big Business has nothing on Big Government!


Eventually You Pay the Piper

Pennsylvania Election Fraud - Easier Than You Think

First it was Maricopa county in Arizona now in the whole state of Pennsylvania it's clear that if a political party was intent on circumventing a national election it would not be nearly as hard as one might expect. Here are some facts from PA: 1% of all voters appeared in more than one county (80,000 votes) 80% of provisional ballots were loaded into the system without verification. (88,000 votes) Voting machines in key counties had “hard drive crashes” and were “rebuilt” to resemble similar county results. All of these issues, and reactions to issues, were addressed and controlled by the polling location staff (except likely not the hard-drive issues). It is safe to assume that this is representative of how things played out in 2020 for many States. Easy to see how bad actors could target swing counties and sway a whole State's election results. No matter your party alliance how can anyone not support adding more security to our elections?

Were the leftist Elites ever on-board?

 As we all know, the Left always feels compelled to tell everyone else how to live their lives. However, truth be known, they rarely ever embrace their own rhetoric. It has always amazed us how people who are really good at one thing and find extreme success in that one thing, somehow come to believe that they are now in a position to dictate, even things they know nothing about, to the rest of us. But if we can find some way to ignore what they say and simply watch how they behave then we can get a better feel for where their hearts are on most any issue.  Their true beliefs show in what they do. It's the same for all of us. The left's hypocrisies are so much more glaring because what they believe and what they purport to believe is so starkly different and often squarely in the eye of the public. The good news here is seeing the Left ignore their own rules in public and in mass shows that even they have had enough of this overreaction to COVID and that means it will be over s

BIG NEWS! Just in time for the statute of limitations to pass.

This is how bureaucracies protect themselves and each other. The Durham report has always been this big thing that was finally going to deliver the truth about this and the facts about that. But yet the Durham report has dragged on so long now that it is unlikely that anyone will every be charged because the statute of limitations expired at the end of 2021. Again, we have to come to terms with the fact that the Democrats own the bureaucracy and they own the Department of Justice. These things that may-or-may-not be exposed by the Durham report are all going to be a day late and a dollar short. The DOJ will take no action using the excuse that the statute of limitations had expired . The Press will not report it in any other light than "crazy right-wing conspiracy theories".  Republicans and anyone else who think that there is some recompense coming need to grasp the reality that Democrats own the system and with our current crop of Republican power-players all we will ever s