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Showing posts from February 20, 2022

Sadly, everyone knows that the world is not going to stop this.

  There is nothing the free world is willing to do that Putin has not already planned for.

Never under estimate a gorilla army.

Never under estimate a gorilla army. It won the revolutionary war and it drove the United States out of Vietnam. 

The leftist psychosis pandemic continues.

What in the literal hell! How stupid can a grown man be?  

"...expand your mind here... Peter"

If not for Peter Doocy who would be asking these questions? Always good to see Elitists talking down to those who disagree with them. 

Our wonderful 1, 2, train-wreck punch.


Reactions, Not Actions, Change World History.

  December 8th, and December 11th, 1941 were the most significant and impactful days in the World War II era. It was not the invasion of Poland, or the invasion of Czechoslovakia. It was not the invasion of China or the attack on Pearl Harbor.  December 8th and December 11th were the days that the United States declared war on Japan and Germany. Why were these the most significant events during this tumultuous era? Because it is reactions, not actions, that change history . As we have watched Russia invade Ukraine over the last few days it is hard to ignore that very similar actions were taken by Germany and, oddly enough, Russia in 1939,  when both nations invaded Poland. Many of the justifications offered by Hitler and Stalin, just days later, sound very similar as those given today for Russia to enter Ukraine. In 1939 both Russia and Germany invaded Poland in order to protect ethnic Germans and Ukrainians (Russians) in the region.  Did you see that? Russia indeed entered Poland in

Watch LIVE: NATO Emergency Meeting

Putin has ordered a complete invasion of Ukraine that he is calling a 'special military operation.'

Don't forget Biden has a lot of skeletons in the Ukrainian closet.

  We think it is safe to assume that if Trump were president Putin would never have gone in to Ukraine.  However Trump is not there and yes Biden is scared sh&tless. However can we really judge him too harshly? So Putin will take more than he really wants, suffer through sanctions that he fully knew would come, give back a little that he never really wanted, and end up exactly where he wants to be. It would be very naïve for us to think that Putin has not already planned for any and all eventualities.  Yes he knows that Biden is weak and he knows that the US has shown itself to be a bad winner in every military endeavor for the last 30 years.  American's do not have the stomach to win a war. We have written many times about how, in world history, winners never leave. When you dedicate yourself to winning a war you must also dedicate yourself to being in the theater for the forceable future.  This fact is true for every winning military action since the Revolutionary war.  Puti

Elites continue to attempt to silence voices that represent truth and reject their lies.

We have written before about how ludicrous is is to think that 10 senior citizens and Buffalo Man and other assorted nuts staged an insurrection in an attempt to over throw the US government. We have also shown that the January 6th rally, where President Trump and other Republicans spoke, had not yet ended when the Capital was vandalized. Specifically we have examine Presidents trump speech where he clearly and forcefully encouraged those in the crowd who were headed to the Capital to;  “…peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”.  Yet Elites continue to perpetuate the lie. The Free Speech for People group cited Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which states that a person who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion”  after taking a Congressional oath should be prevented from running again in their challenge. Now they have targeted Republican North Carolina Congressman Madison Cawthorn. He also spoke at the January 6th rally. He has not been charged with any crime and did not pa

What is TRUTH?

FoxBusiness is reporting that Truth Social , Donald Trumps new media platform, is now available on Apple’s App Store. “Truth” is kind of a bold name especially for a platform that supposedly will specialize in Freedom of Speech. Out of necessity freedom of speech should include a myriad of viewpoints and opinions, many of which will not be true at all.  Only time will tell if Truth Social ends up being an online bastion for the marketplace of ideas or just a tired echo chamber for Trump worship. We are big Trump fans for sure; but an important part of Trump’s evolution will be the ability to accept serious and logical challenges to his ideas. will for sure give it a ride and see if there is a place for us there. We would suggest that you give it a try also. 

Blatant lies like this must be founded in a deep jealousy.

As reported by DailyWire we can see that Elizabeth Warren is at it again, even though she was completely proven wrong the last time she said it. Repeating the lie that Elon Musk pays no taxes even when she knows very well that he paid more money in taxes last year than any human in world history and will likely do it again this year.  “Musk responded to the comments from Warren by writing on Twitter: “Will visit IRS next time I’m in DC just to say hi, since I paid the most taxes ever in history for an individual last year. Maybe I can have a cookie or something …” Leftists love to hate the hand that feeds them. Bureaucrats  and elected officials love to hate self-made wealthy tax payers seemingly in complete ignorance of the fact, if not for them, government systems would completely collapse due to lack of funding? The reality is that those state and local governments who work most closely with the most productive in our society seem to find a way to have the safest, most prosperous an

That is not what the video shows!

“We all saw that the protesters were aggressive with the officers and we needed to use horses at one point,” Bell said at the conference. “As a result, we responded this morning by adding helmets and batons to our equipment for the safety of our officers.”

“What IF” is not logic.

  My God what an idiot. What about the bus manufacturers who made the bus too tall or maybe the bus manufacturers who make shorter busses for white people? Yeah “what IF” is not logic.

Levi's brand president says she was forced out.

  ‪ #Gleichschaltung  ‬ #DemBlueShirts

Durham Indictment


Mounted Police Trample Peaceful Protestors