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Showing posts from February 27, 2022

2020 Election: Was it enough to change the outcome?

State investigations continue to expose irregularities and violations of the law in many swing-states before and during the 2020 Presidential Election.  Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and now Wisconsin have all discovered organized activities focused at changing the voter outcome.  Nearly $9 million in Zuckerberg grant funds directed solely to five Democratic strongholds in Wisconsin violated the state’s election code’s prohibition on bribery. Was it enough to change the outcome? We may never know, but at the very least one would think that both parties would be working diligently, with something other than words, to correct any and all security issues with our election system. However, not even the Republicans seem to be willing to put their principles above their political future.  We can hope and pray that Republicans, if they regain the Congress and Senate in 2022, will become the champions of mail-in ballots. They must lead the way to securing each ballot, digitally, so those who

COVID Overreaction: 2 years too late!

We must never forget that not since March of 2020 have more than 1% of those who get COVID had to truly struggle with it. This is the statistic that the CDC has ignored for two years. 1%

Negotiations with the Russians?

Don’t be naïve! Ukraine will be asked to do what Putin wants or die. That is like Republicans trying to negotiate with Democrats.

What kind of President do you want to have? "Germany is a Captive of Russia"

You should listen to every second of this exchange from 3 years ago. "Germany is a Captive of Russia"


  Former Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko puts on battle gear and joins troops defending Kyiv from Russian invaders.

Elon Musk positions satellites to boost internet service for Ukrainians.

  The man who paid more taxes last year than any human in history, is giving even more... because he can.