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Showing posts from December 4, 2022

Classic: Sharks & Name "Mike" Noninclusive

" PPS. Gotta wonder how former Shark Week host, Mike Tyson , is taking the news…" Check out this Facebook post from Mike Rowe:  

Now Being Stupid and Gullible is Terrorism

“This bind over sends a clear message that acts of domestic terrorism will not be tolerated.” Even though it was planned and executed by the FBI to organize several inept fruitcakes into doing something they would never have the hubris to do on their own. Click through and read more from :

Disrespecting Joy

For generations to refer to a person as Sir or Ma'am has been the epitome of respect and honor. The same is true today. Here is the thing about this WOKE BS we are being forced to endure; the goal here is to remove every avenue of joy from our society. These people are so miserable in their own lives that they really want to make everyone else just as miserable. the phrase "misery loves company" has never been truer.  Click through to read more from :

Second Jobs Artifically Impact Jobless Rate

  2 of every 3 Americans have taken on a second job in order to curb inflation's impact since Biden has taken office. 165,000 more in November. Click to take a look at this, from Fox & Friends:

Might This Be Important?

  We can only hope that people have had enough! From PJ Media

Free Enterprise Is Akin To Freedom Of Speech

Outraged or not it is very important that business's like this have the right to serve who they wish.  Don't forget about the Baker who did not want to create a same-sex marriage cake. Each business MUST have the right to serve who they wish to serve. It's exactly like freedom of speech, their actions will eventually show them for who they really are, and consumers can choose to do business with them or not.  Free Enterprise is essential without it things quickly become Fascist.

Republicans Need A Shakeup


Trumpism Backfire

  Trump needs to think before he speaks. The freedom to say stupid stuff is how freedom of speech works. Eventually it will expose who a person really is. Good for Elon!


  If They Were Not Outraged, It Would Not Be True!

No Free Speech Allowed