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Showing posts from December 11, 2022

Title 42 is another example of how Republicans can never seem to get it done on policy.

  As plans for the new Congress and Senate begin to take shape there are always these constant reminders of how Republicans, even when they have control of one or both houses, can never seem to get it done. This goes all the way back to George Bush (the elder) and found its zenith during the George Bush (the younger) administration. Republicans can only pass legislation that is temporary. Be it tax cuts, retirement investing, and yes border security. The Washington Examiner reported on the expiration of Title 42 Democrats never pass temporary legislation. Democrats allow Republicans to pass legislation as long as it has an expiration date. The traditional Republican leadership needs to get a clue. Republicans need leaders who are not there just to salve their own egos, but to get things done that actually position our nation for success for generations.

Leftists love Doxxing because it is a way to intimidate their rivals and animate their crazies to action.


This code-word "misinformation" is going to be the death of free speech!


What is worse for children, gun violence or pedophilia? Big Government is deciding this for us.

Let’s Put The Victimization of Children Statistics In Prospective According to the Washington Post , it’s estimated that 323,000 children have been victimized by gun violence in our nations schools over the last 20 years. As staggering as that statistic is, it’s fortunate that only 10% of those were actual fatalities. Americans should be outraged at these numbers and we should demand that federal, state, and local governments across the country immediately begin hardening our schools using available technologies that would prevent these events almost completely. This is something that Reality Is Truth has been advocating for years.  The Washington Examiner examined the gun violence in schools in May. Now that we seem to all be able to agree on how outrageous these numbers are, as related to the victimization of our children, let’s look at something that is even more outrageous, Pedophilia.  In 2021  More than 29 million reports of suspected child sexual exploitation were reported acc

This, and thousands of other examples, prove Big Government doesn’t really care about you.

  Suspect accused of bashing man from behind in brutal NYC baseball bat attack released from jail less than 24 hours after arrest… Click through to this article on The Blaze :

The Branch Covidians, PERFECT!

  Click through to read more from REDSTATE.COM

It's Not Ridiculous To Question a 17,000 Vote Victory in Arizona

  The  Washington Examiner's  online opinion editor   David Freddoso recently posted an article taking the position that "Republicans" need to reevaluate their support for candidates who refuse to accept the outcome of elections. While in the article he uses Kari Lake as an example it seems obvious that he is metaphorically referring to Donald Trump, who by-the-way accepted the results of the election proven by him not being in the White House one second longer than he needed to be on Inauguration Day.  The Kari Lake example has to be the worst example ever in his attempt to make his point. In the article he wants us to take him seriously when he states; " Now  Lake is suing to overcome her 17,000-vote loss   and making noises as if the election was rigged. She is only making a fool of herself. " Was he sleeping after the 2020 election when Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and yes Arizona released post-election reports that claimed that while there were tens o

"Legal" Elections Are Not A Thing To Democrats

  We have stated many times that when it all comes down to it, Democrats do not really care if they win elections legally or not. In this Daily Caller post, Larry Elder makes this point again in the context of the Hunter Biden laptop revelations that were ignored by the nation's mainstream press with the intent to hide the information on that laptop from the voting public. This quote from Larry's article plays completely to the long-held Democrat Party tradition of winning at all costs. If you think half the country, including Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg, are losing sleep, you’re kidding yourself. After all, Trump’s out. Recall what the retired Harry Reid said about lying about Romney’s alleged nonpayment of taxes. Asked by CNN’s Dana Bash if he had regrets about the lie Reid  said , “Well, Romney didn’t win, did he?” Click through to read more from the Daily Caller:

Fauci's Overreach Is Historic, in a Bad Way.

It has become obvious that Dr. Fauci continually involved tax dollars in endeavors that had not been approved by the American people. In fact, there is a real possibility that the medical research that he was authorizing in China may have been instrumental in the COVID-19 pandemic. If Fauci had not been a Leftist, you better believe he would already be under indictment. The Right MUST be willing to play by the Left's rules or this nation will be completely lost to Woke Fascist Leftists Elites.