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Showing posts from December 18, 2022

EV Tax Credits: A Great Example on How Government Subsidies Always Screw Consumers

We all know that the Left hates free enterprise. Most of them have completely bought into the lie that through subsidies and price controls Big Government can make the evil free market fairer for consumers, well they believe they can convince you of that anyway. The new EV Tax Credits that will now extend through 2032 are a thick soup of environmental policy, political revenge, and trade union payoffs. In the end, the consumer is left paying for it all, the very thing that the Libs think is evil about free enterprise. Review Geek has this excellent article on the new EV Tax Credit that takes effect on January 1st Of course, the Biden administration is selling this thing like a victory for everyone; $7500 for consumers and incentivizing American jobs all wrapped up in an environmentally responsible gift box.  However, the reality is that the "invisible hand" of economics can not be ignored.  Reality Is Truth is rarely in favor of government subsidies because they are a double