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Christmas In North America

Merry Christmas from Reality Is Truth! The Origins of Christmas When looking at the origins of Christmas one must first look at Christianity. Most people realize that Christmas is actually the celebration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. However, they may not realize that Christians believe he is the Son of God. God is the central figure in the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. The Torah teaches that God is the one and only true god and chronicles his creation of all things and his relationship with the Hebrews.  Christianity grew out of Judaism and recognized the Torah along with several other writings that are collectively known as the Old Testament . Christianity was inspired by the prophecies of the Old Testament and thus is actually a Jewish sect.  Through those prophecies, and their personal witness they recognized Jesus as the promised Jewish Messiah.  The New Testament , a Christian scripture, chronicles the birth, life, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ t

Who is Ron DeSantis?

At the outset, it must be said that we, here at Reality Is Truth , will wholeheartedly support whomever the Republican nominee is, as long as they are chosen from the current crop of candidates. With Donald J. Trump currently 52 points ahead of all the other Republican candidates, we fully understand that the debate over who will be the Republican nominee is more or less moot. However, due to the current state of affairs in American politics, Trump's age, and his legal vulnerabilities, things could change rapidly. Even though, from an editorial standpoint, Trump would not be our Plan A, we are absolutely convinced there must be a Plan B. Our decision was made using an elimination process based on the following criteria: The candidate must have the courage of their convictions and not shy away from a fight for political reasons. (This eliminates Nikki Haley ) The candidate must be electable and have a broader appeal than legacy Republicans yet still attract independent voters who le

Why in the world is our government unwilling to actually secure our borders?

Border Security Border security is possibly the most important debate in our lifetime and has been playing itself out over the last 20 years. The question of how we, as a nation, can secure our borders and at the same time address tens of millions of illegal entrants is a question that seems to mystify our representatives in Washington, DC. Secure Fence Act (2006) Most of the polls indicate that as many as 80% of Americans do not support open borders. While under Joe Biden, the Democrats continue to say that our "borders are secure," insinuating that no real action needs to be taken. Republicans, on the other hand, give a lot of lip service to a border crisis but never really do anything about it. The biggest example of this was the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (SFA), which was passed by both houses of Congress and then signed by President George W. Bush. It was touted as a bipartisan solution for what even then was an open-border immigration crisis. In fact, this was the very la


What we have seen this week in Colorado and other efforts previously in Oregon, Michigan, and Minnesota are a travesty. These efforts are focused on removing Donald Trump from the ballots in these States with the intent of making it impossible for him to win another term as president. These actions are absolutely an attempt at voter suppression by not even giving a particular segment of the population a chance to vote for the candidate of their choice. It's an extraordinary risk they're willing to take because Trump is the biggest threat to their political ethos that has ever existed since the foundation of the Democrat party.  We are including a link to an article from that gives a more detailed explanation of the specific action taken by the Colorado Supreme Court. We here at Reality is Truth have written many times about how the Democrats play the long game. By that we mean they are willing to take short-term risks if they see it as ultimately accomplishing

No real difference between Colonialism and Migration, except ethnicity.

Settlers and Colonizers Back in November, the Young America's Foundation organized an event where they invited Michael Knowles of DailyWire to present his ideas on Colonialism. In part of his presentation, he was quoted as saying;   “All regimes in history have been established by settlers and colonizers of one kind or another. Not since Adam in the Garden of Eden have any people sprouted out of the ground, and Adam, you might recall, had a little bit of help in the process, as well,” We encourage you to click through and watch all of Michael Knowles' speech at Vanderbilt University Knowles went on to make the larger point that even before European influences had taken hold in central and western North America the Native Americans were themselves engaged in their own brand of Colonialism as they colonized and conquered whole regions of North, South, and Central America. He used the example of the Lakota Sioux who conquered and colonized Cheyenne lands and its people in 1776 M

Reality Is Truth - Who Are the Palestinians?

This article was first published by Reality Is Truth on in September 2010. While Hamas is not mentioned, it provides a very good foundation to understand what is happening in Gaza following the October 7 terrorist attacks. The first place to start is with the word Palestine. Palestine is a huge land mass located on the Eastern Shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Many people believe that Palestine is Israel, but the reality is that Israel is only a small portion of Palestine. Palestine is the name of a land mass, not a nation. History shows that there has never been a nation called Palestine. The landmass that is referred to as Palestine encompasses parts of modern Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. We will talk about why later, but it is a mistake to associate the so-called “Palestinians” with Palestine. As you can tell, if we use this term, we must also call Egyptians, Israelis, and Jordanians “Palestinians”, because Palestine is a land mass… not a country or a race of people. We wil