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Why in the world are Democrats fearful that Trump is going to be the next Dictator?

To understand why the left is somehow fearful of Donald Trump becoming some kind of a dictator and ultimately refusing to leave office at the end of his second term, we need to look closely at what it is exactly that "Dictators" do. We wanted to use a source that might be considered "unbiased" with supposedly no political affiliations. So we asked ChatGPT; What kind of things do dictators do to gain power?  Here's what the AI told us:

"Dictators often employ tactics such as manipulating propaganda, suppressing opposition, exploiting economic instability, and using force or fear to control the populace. They may also target key institutions like the military and media, undermining democratic processes to consolidate power. It's a complex and often sinister path to authority." 

Having been exposed to professional Democrats while a member of the Young Democrats organization in college, one begins to pick up the underlying political philosophy of the party. In the quiet moments at night when you're stuffing envelopes and sitting around talking with the paid political staff you begin to pick up common phrases that start to shape your attitudes towards our political system and how it works. Having heard these over and over again as a college student, we here at Reality Is Truth call these phrases "Being Democrat 101". Here are a few of the phrases and ideas that are often used by professional Democrats behind the scenes:

  • It's not what you know it's who you know.
  • It's not what you do it's what you appear to do.
  • When times get tough always remember the "idiot mass" (Meaning: Voters are stupid and largely uneducated and can be manipulated).
  • When you want to do something questionable, accuse your opponent of doing the same thing just in case the questionable activity is exposed, you can then say they did it first.
  • Before you distribute a half-truth make sure to build in plausible deniability just in case the full truth is ever exposed.
Townhall Article by Kurt Schlichter
We have included a link to this wonderful Townhall article taking these ideas one step further and addressing why Democrats are scared that Trump will be reelected.

These phrases and ideas have been a part of the Democrat party for decades and one can assume are common among many politicians no matter the party. But the point here is that when Democrats like Robert Kagan, Editor at Large for the Washington Post, writes an opinion piece titled: "A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.", as he did back in November, you can see Being Democrat 101 in full bloom. 

Let's get back to what the AI listed for us when we asked what tactics a Dictator might use to gain power. As we look at each of these activities you're going to be able to see clearly the Democrats are doing all of these things. We hesitate to call what the Democrats are doing dictatorial, but it's very clear that they are indeed totalitarian.

  1. Manipulating Propaganda [E.g. Calling Trump a dictator or a fascist]
  2. Suppressing Opposition [E.g. Targeting, arresting, and charging, political opponents with supposed criminal activity. Making deals with social media companies to suppress certain opinions]
  3. Exploiting Economic Instability [E.g. Blaming higher interest rates and massive inflation that were caused by excessive leftwing Covid mandates and leftwing economic policy (Green New Deal) on their political opponents.]
  4. Using Force or Fear to Control the Populace [E.g. January 6 commission, imprisonment of January 6th protest participants, surveillance of ordinary Americans who support the idea of Making America Great Again]
  5. Using the Military and the Media to Undermine Democratic Processes [E.g. leveraging left-wing legacy media and installing left-wing military leadership to sell mandates and social changes that limit personal freedoms]

The Biden administration has and is doing each and every one of these things. They are also tapping into the old Being Democrat 101 adage "When you want to do something questionable, accuse your opponent of doing the same thing just in case the questionable activity is exposed, you can then say they did it first."  No wonder they are scared shitless that Trump will get elected and do the same thing to them. 

Never forget Leftists think everyone is miserable, untrustworthy, and dictatorial because they are miserable, untrustworthy, and dictatorial themselves. They can't imagine for a second that some people are not like them, even when presented with evidence to the contrary.

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