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Showing posts from December 3, 2023

There was a lot of discussion online today about last night's Republican presidential debate.

There is a lot of discussion online today about last night's Republican presidential debate. Who won or who lost? Is Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis the best choice if something were to happen to Donald Trump's bid for the nomination?  What about Vivek Ramaswamy? Why is Chris Christie even on the stage? The Real Clear Politics national poll averages show Donald Trump at 61%, DeSantos at 13.5%, Haley at 10.3%, and Ramaswamy at 4.9%. Chris Christie is not even registering on the national average. This means Trump is leading DeSantis by 47.5% for the nomination.  We are including a few links to some pretty good articles and videos examining last night’s debate in order to give you an opportunity to make your own decision.  We highly recommend the first link from Matt Vespa over at Townhall. If you have some time on your hands Larry O'Conner always does a great job in his Podcast. You may have picked up on the fact that we at Reality Is Truth have pointed to Ron DeSantis as the can

How Can Christian Organizations Support Abortion?

Recently,  Lucy Gilbert  at  The Daily Signal , an online home for  The Heritage Foundation , reported that since Roe v. Wade was overturned, several Christian non-profit organizations have begun to support legal abortion while never having supported abortion in the past. Christians and Non-Christians alike might ask; How can legitimate Christian organizations ever support abortion? This is what we will discuss in this post. To have a full understanding of Roe v. Wade and the support it had from Christians in the early 1970s one needs to dig a little to see that there was a large contingent of Christians and "Jesus Freaks" back then who wanted legal, safe, and available abortion in the United States. Many people today have no idea that this was the case. Many Christians at that time thought God had demonstrated, in the scriptures, that a baby conceived in sin could be aborted, one could even say should be aborted, due to the fact it was a result of sin. The justification for

While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. — Stephen R. Covey

When a people set themselves and their society toward the sole purpose of the total destruction of another society they must resign themselves to the fact that they will constantly be in a state of suffering the consequences of their actions. They have married their people to constant death and destruction from those whom they wish to destroy.  This culture is the end of the world, unless we stop it. To pretend otherwise is sheer madness. — James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 4, 2023 Return To:

Kamala Harris Delivers Hamas Demands

Kamala Harris says "post-conflict Gaza" must include "no forceable displacement, no re-occupation, no siege or blockade, no reduction in territory," based on "Palestinian voices and aspirations"    

The Fallacy of Victimhood: Hamas' Claims of Disproportionality and Refusal to Accept Responsability For Thier Actions

We are now almost two months into the Israeli response to the terror attacks in Israel and already the common debate in the West centers on whether Israel should be forced by the international community into a cease-fire. According to Hamas, Hezbollah, and a few other Islamic nation-states, Israel's response is somehow disproportional to the October 7, 2023 attacks that were perpetrated and focused on civilian populations by Hamas [by the way, these claims were being made before Israel took any action at all against Hamas]. Historically this is very much akin to the position that was taken in September of 1864 by the Mayor and City Council of Atlanta Georgia when it had become readily apparent that their actions in starting the war and conducting it up to that point were coming back to haunt them.  Both the Confederate South and Hamas claimed that the responses from the Union North and Israel, respectively, were disproportionate. This claim of victimhood or disproportionality is a