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Showing posts from December 10, 2023

Why in the world are Democrats fearful that Trump is going to be the next Dictator?

To understand why the left is somehow fearful of Donald Trump becoming some kind of a dictator and ultimately refusing to leave office at the end of his second term, we need to look closely at what it is exactly that "Dictators" do. We wanted to use a source that might be considered "unbiased" with supposedly no political affiliations. So we asked ChatGPT ; What kind of things do dictators do to gain power?   Here's what the AI told us: "Dictators often employ tactics such as manipulating propaganda, suppressing opposition , exploiting economic instability , and using force or fear to control the populace . They may also target key institutions like the military and media , undermining democratic processes to consolidate power. It's a complex and often sinister path to authority."  Having been exposed to professional Democrats while a member of the Young Democrats organization in college, one begins to pick up the underlying political  philosoph

Was it right or wrong to reinstate Alex Jones?

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Special Counsel Jack Smith Has a Big Question for the Supreme Court

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Big Business and Big Government are working together to tell us what to think and what to say.

Watch: We are on the brink of the biggest merger in history. If we don’t stop it, our constitutional rights could become a relic of the past. Philip Hamburger, Professor of Law at Columbia University and CEO of the New Civil Liberties Alliance, explains. Click through to PagerU to learn more: