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Showing posts from December 31, 2023

The Democrat Party and how it inspired Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco.

The Long Game The Democrats are known for playing a long game, which means they take short-term risks to achieve their ultimate goals. Throughout history, the Democratic Party has rarely shied away from advocating extreme political viewpoints if they believe it will ultimately serve their long-term goals for society. They have been using this strategy for over a century and have successfully changed the fabric of the nation. Examples of this include Roosevelt's New Deal, Johnson's Great Society, and Obama's Affordable Care Act, which were each carefully planned and executed as part of a gradual change plan developed in the early 1900s. During the Obama years, many Democrats made public statements indicating that the Democratic party was leading the nation into an era of fundamental change , which directly mirrors the social and political theories of the party during the early 20th century. The Third-Way The "Third-Way" was an ideology that gave rise to the belief

Time to Face Realities and Support Single-Payer

  Time to Support Single-Payer For over two decades,  Reality Is Truth has been a faithful supporter of Health Saving Accounts (HSA) as the "fix" to the current unsustainable, out-of-control, healthcare industry.  However, over the past 6 years, it has become clear that the realities of life and politics in the United States show that there is really only one answer to the healthcare question. Single Payer is the only plan that currently has any chance at all of achieving a workable, yet imperfect, balance of quality, cost, and time for healthcare. The Realities Reality Is Truth was created in 1989 as a weekly newsletter that examines culture and current events from a conservative/libertarian point of view. We chose the name "Reality Is Truth" specifically to be a contrast to the political elite mantra that, "Perception Is Reality." Many of the left's political points of view are 100% perception and not based on reality, at all.  Being that reality i