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As usual Democrats want to decide who gets to be the Republican Candidate for President and that person is Nikki Haley!

It's kind of been true for a few decades that a viable Republican candidate for President has to be acceptable to the Democrat Party and the Washington Elite in order to have any real chance of getting the Republican nomination. In fact, this has been true for every Republican nominee for President since George H. W. Bush received the nomination on August 18th, 1988. However, things didn't go that way in 2016 as Donald Trump single-handedly took control of the Republican Party, robbing the Political Elites in this country of their power. If the truth is told, this is the real reason the Washington DC Elite [which by the way is what is meant by the term "Deep State"] hates Trump and is willing to do anything to prevent him from becoming President.

Tucker Carlson is always great at putting into words the motivations behind what is happening around us. In his latest podcast on TCN, Tucker talks about how during the wind-up for the Iowa Caucus and starting, in earnest, in New Hampshire the Washington Elites are trying to determine who will be allowed to be the Republican nominee in 2024.

Tucker discusses how the Elites are bothered greatly by the fact that; "... Donald Trump won decisively [In Iowa]." and how "At this point, it's hard to see how he's not the Republican nominee because he didn't just win. He triumphed overwhelmingly by a historic margin."

He goes on to talk about how the Elites see their biggest problem as; " to stop Donald Trump and his white Christian campaign. And that's a tough one. And it's made tougher by the Iowa results. Thankfully, they have a plan. And the plan is Nikki Haley."

We invite you to listen to the whole Podcast here, but just a Warning, he is not a Nikki Haley fan:

If you don't have time to listen to the full Podcast, read on as we look at a few other significant quotes that bring us all closer to reality:

" A Nikki Haley presidency is a lot like a war with Iran. It's a terrible idea. No normal person wants it. But because a small, well-funded group of extremely enthusiastic [Elitist] activists are determined to have it anyway, we are perpetually on the verge of getting it."

"...much of Haley's money comes not from Republicans or conservatives, but from committed Democratic Partizans..."  

"...Nikki Haley is not a bloodthirsty, power-mad robot who takes millions in cash payoffs from the people who make weapons of mass destruction in exchange for promoting their wars. Oh no, not at all. Nikki Haley is one of us." [But the truth is she is all of those things].

"Nikki Haley is not a conservative. That's not a slam on her. It's just a fact. Nikki Haley is a committed neo-liberal, just like her creepy little friend Chris Sununu. And it's measurable. For example, how many Republican primary voters support the wave of illegal immigration that is currently destroying our country? Not many do, but Nikki Haley does. Illegal aliens are not criminals, she once explained to her friends at the Aspen Institute. We can't disrespect them. How dare you disrespect them? We should give them amnesty. "

"Did Republican primary voters support the rioting and looting and killing that enveloped this country after George Floyd died three and a half years ago? They didn't seem to support it, but Nikki Haley did support it. "'s important to understand that the death of George Floyd was personal and painful for many. In order to heal, it needs to be personal and painful for everyone." Nikki Haley wrote on Twitter as the fires were burning."

"But it wasn't enough death and destruction for Nikki Haley, for reasons that surely have nothing to do with her deep financial ties to the weapons industry. Nikki Haley demands that we keep the slaughter going in Ukraine and send billions more, more than Congress has appropriated, even if we have to cut current programs to pay for it. Nikki Haley didn't just think that in her dream. She said it out loud."

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