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Okay, what about Ron DeSantis?


Desantis's Realities

On paper, Ron DeSantis is a conservative juggernaut. He's been extremely successful as a leader in Florida, gaining bipartisan support for legislation that will be perpetual and create lasting conservative changes to Florida's State Governance and advancing a common sense social stabilization of the state's relationship to its citizenry. He literally is the only Republican candidate who has successfully built bipartisan coalitions that made real change without compromising conservative ideals. 

However, as we all know there is more to politics in the United States today than how someone looks on paper. We live in an era where being an  "influencer" is far more important than being effective. Where "owning" someone is more important than the policies that one might want to enact. Because of this, the reality is, that there's virtually nothing that can stop Donald Trump. He has become the voice of a movement that over the last 30 years has largely been ignored. This movement consists of a group of people who have not been allowed to fight back and because of that have largely lost their seat at the table even though they comprise at least half of the nation's population. We're not talking about "white" America, as the Democrats would have you believe, we are talking about common sense Americans who simply advocate governance that responds to the way the real world works and not a government that is tossed to and fro by every wind of political doctrine.

Desantis's reality is that he can not win the nomination and likely is not a good fit to expand Trump's appeal as Vice President. This is because he and Trump politically are exactly the same. He might be a good fit for Attorney General in a new Trump administration. However, we think that he wants to be President someday and there's real risk in hitching your horse so intimately to a new Trump administration as AG. 

So What Does Desantis Do?

Well, clearly the first thing he needs to do is withdraw as a candidate in 2024. He needs to get on board the Republican ticket whatever that ends up looking like (Trump/Haley). He needs to be an aggressive participant in getting Donald Trump elected for his second term and in so doing he needs to build a foundation to be the Republican nominee in 2028. DeSantis is up against a term limit in Florida and can't run for reelection. Once his term is up he needs to stay visibly politically active. He needs to be a conservative legal advocate. He needs to embrace conservative causes, represent and make arguments in court for those who are under attack by the system. He needs to figure out how to become a pro at social media by posting day-to-day video posts on the most popular platforms showing his activism with those "I am about to go on stage... and here is what I am going to say..." moments. He needs to take off his tie and transform himself into an influencer. Lastly, he needs to build a catalog of public involvement that will provide him with plenty of stock footage that can be used in future political campaigns.


This first foray into DeSantis's running for president has revealed a major flaw in his ability to become president and that flaw is he really lacks charisma. As effective as he has proven himself to be politically he just seems so boring. The fact that he seems so boring is a hindrance to people relating to him. Today's voters want an exciting president that they can root for. They wanna a gladiator who's in the thick of it and winning. Ron DeSantis must spend the next four years transforming himself into that person, if he can. 

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