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The Democrat Party and how it inspired Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco.

The Long Game

The Democrats are known for playing a long game, which means they take short-term risks to achieve their ultimate goals. Throughout history, the Democratic Party has rarely shied away from advocating extreme political viewpoints if they believe it will ultimately serve their long-term goals for society. They have been using this strategy for over a century and have successfully changed the fabric of the nation. Examples of this include Roosevelt's New Deal, Johnson's Great Society, and Obama's Affordable Care Act, which were each carefully planned and executed as part of a gradual change plan developed in the early 1900s. During the Obama years, many Democrats made public statements indicating that the Democratic party was leading the nation into an era of fundamental change, which directly mirrors the social and political theories of the party during the early 20th century.

The Third-Way

The "Third-Way" was an ideology that gave rise to the belief in the need for a fundamental change in philosophy. This ideology was initially developed by left-wing educational elites in the United States and later in Europe during the early 1900s. Today, educational elites will tell you that fascism is "right-wing". However, third-way ideology is politically progressive (leftist) and was eventually embraced by Mussolini in Italy, Hitler in Germany, and Franco in Spain as Fascism.

Third-way ideology seeks to establish a middle ground between capitalism and communism. It was a direct response to the Russian Revolution and the increasing popularity of communism and socialism worldwide. This ideology came to be supported by progressives globally, and its aim is to integrate some of the most popular concepts presented in Marxism, in a sweet spot wedged vicariously between capitalism and communism. This would be done by merging the financial resources of big business and big government, with the stated goal of creating a utopian society where the individual is liberated from the burdens of self-governance, and power is centralized and given to a business/government partnership. This approach enables the system to not only regulate a nation's economy but also manage the everyday lives of its citizens. The rationale behind this is that citizens are not adequately educated or emotionally disconnected from their individual selfish desires to comprehend the greater needs of society; as a result, society must be entrusted to the [self-proclaimed] intellectual elites out of necessity.

The Left-Wing and the Third Way

Woodrow Wilson, who was President of Princeton University from 1902-1910, introduced the Democratic Party to original "Third-Way Ideologies." Although they may not acknowledge it, left-wing Democrats have always been interested in gaining influence through unconventional methods because they truly feel that the electorate is unqualified (too stupid) to hold the power to govern itself. Wilson not only encouraged these third-way ideas during his presidency at Princeton, but they were also present throughout his term as President of the United States. From organizing dissident agitators nationwide to creating a governmental propaganda wing called the Committee for Public Information, Woodrow Wilson was a true believer in the third-way.

In Europe during the 1930s and 40s, this approach became known as Liberal Fascism. In 1932, H.G. Wells spelled out what had been whispered at cocktail parties since the 1910s. Wells, a renowned novelist and left-wing political theorist, in his speech to the Young Liberals group at Oxford University, spoke of a liberal utopia that would be achieved by an elite class through authoritarian means. Then in 1940, in his book The New World Order, he went into detail as to how this might be achieved. Throughout the 20th Century, avant-garde progressives at leftist postmodern universities gave reverence to progressive philosophers such as Carl Schmitt, Paul de Man, and Martian Heidegger who romanticized their contempt for traditional morality and social standards.  While Wilson was the first to bring progressive and fascistic political viewpoints together, third-way ideology continued to grow among progressives throughout the 20th century and today is the "democracy" (small "d") that Democrats think is under threat from Republicans.


At no time in our history has it been more clear, that this is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do today. It has become painfully clear that Democrats are completely willing to use the systems of government and its partnership with Big Business to control the narrative, control policy, and yes indeed control who is allowed to be President. It's become equally clear that they are also using the "third-way" ideologies and tactics [Fascism] to achieve what they see as their progressive utopia.

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