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The Democrats' Inspiration for the January 6th Overreaction

The Reichstag fire took place on February 27, 1933, in Germany. The Reichstag, the German parliament building, was set on fire under suspicious circumstances. The Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler, quickly capitalized on the incident to further their political agenda, sound familiar? In the same way, Democrats and Elites left-leaning Republicans decided to move boldly through the January 6th investigation which has a chilling similarity to how the Nazis reacted to the burning of the German Reichstag in 1933.

Just as the Democrats blamed the MAGA Republicans, Nazis publicly blamed their largest political rivals in Germany for the Reichstag fire. They went on to claim it was part of a larger conspiracy to overthrow the government, just like the Democrats did during the United States House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol activities throughout 2021. The Reichstag event played a crucial role in solidifying Nazi power in Germany and this is exactly what Democrats hoped for when they plowed through a truly kangaroo-style hearing where Republicans were blocked from having any real input and evidence to the contrary was not allowed. In Germany, President Paul von Hindenburg signed the Reichstag Fire Decree on February 28, 1933, in response to the perceived threat. This decree suspended civil liberties, allowing the government to arrest and detain political opponents without due process. Again, Chilling as to how familiar that sounds.

The suspension of civil liberties paved the way for the Nazis to consolidate power, suppress opposition, and ultimately establish a dictatorship. It was a key step in the erosion of democratic institutions in Germany, leading to the establishment of the Third Reich.

Historians have debated the origins and motivations behind the Reichstag fire, with most suggesting that the Nazis themselves may have played a role in setting it to create a pretext for the crackdown on political opposition. Regardless, the event profoundly impacted German history in the 1930s. Today, there is also a debate as to what exactly was going on in the crowd on Jan 6th as heretofore uncharged participants are seen on video encouraging crowds to enter the Capital Building many times being rebuffed but eventually leading large groups of people to make the incursion of the building. It has yet to be determined as to how completely the Democrats will be able to stretch their totalitarian tendencies in order to gain dominant political power. But up to now, it seems that most Americans are suspicious of the government's actions.

Learn More about Jan 6th:

Recommended-Watch: Rep. Clay Higgins, who has seen all the evidence that has not been released to the Public says that there were at least 200 FBI operatives dressed as Trump supporters in the Jan. 6 protests.

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