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Vivek Ramaswamy did something Donald Trump would never do, showing that he is the man Trump can never be.

We have said from the very beginning that we will support the Republican nominee no matter who that person is.  Conservatives really have no choice but to vote Republican. The Republican Party is the only political party that provides a viable conservative option. We have written in the past about the pointlessness of supporting third-party candidates and how neither party really cares if we waste our vote in that way.  Having said that, we will gladly and enthusiastically support Donald Trump come November. However after everything was said and done last night in Iowa, Vivek Ramaswamy did something that Trump could never do, he swallowed his pride, dropped out of the running, and endorsed an opponent who less than 24 hours earlier had attacked him personally in a childish unjustified way.  

 We are providing a link to this excellent article from Rebecca Downs at Click through to get her perspective on Ramaswamy’s endorsement of Trump.

Vivek Ramaswamy is the man that Donald Trump will never be, and Donald Trump doesn’t even know it. Trump’s reaction to Vivek over the last week shows, again, that a second Trump administration promises to be even less successful than the first. This is not to say that Trump did not have a great four years that were not only good for the economy but also made every American’s life better in very real and tangible ways. However, Trump's impact was but a vapor, and almost everything he accomplished was undone 30 days after he left office. Why? Because Trump can never share the glory. Trump can never publicly admit that he needs the help of others to enact lasting change. He knows how to make political enemies but has shown no ability to make political friends. The second that anyone else begins to get any positive attention at all, Trump gets petty. Trump is like the football player who loves to have exaggerated celebrations when he makes a first down but can never seem to prove that he can actually score.

Trump will undoubtedly be the nominee, but the reality is that he will never be the man Ramaswamy is. We will see if Ramaswamy is an even bigger man if and when Trump asks him to be his running mate.

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