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Why does the Biden Administration hate Christians?

How is it that the Biden administration (indeed the Democrat Elite) hates Christians while at the same time often painting themselves as Christian? Well, the answer is Politics, but even more a deep misunderstanding of what being Christian is exactly.  

In the last decade, the Department of Homeland Security (by the way, the biggest mistake of the George W Bush Administration) has listed  "Christian Terrorism" as one of the primary domestic threats to homeland security. Apparently, the Russian Orthodox Christians are the most dangerous, followed by Catholics and then Protestants (primarily due to these denominations' stance as pro-life). So we are talking about mainstream Christians here and maybe that is the problem.

Many left-wing politicians use "Christianity" as a smokescreen, something to hide their actions while doing the most despicable, non-Christian things behind the curtain. They manipulate certain aspects of Christianity for political purposes, but it's important to point out that their actions are not reflective of true Christian teachings. That is the rub, it's all about manipulation. 

Here are a couple of examples of how Democrats attempt to present themselves as Christian and why they hate true Christians:

  1. Manipulation of Christian Symbols: Elitists are known for appropriating Christian symbols to align themselves with the Christian population. They may wear Christian crosses and evoke the name of God in their political speeches. They often give speeches in politically charged leftwing churches, attempting to create a visual association between their political ideology and Christianity. These are all clear distortions of Christian symbolism for political gain.

  2. Selective Quoting of Religious Texts: Democrat leaders, Obama, Biden, Paloci, and Schumer have all selectively quoted and interpreted religious texts to suit their agenda. They often take passages out of context or twist the meaning to justify their actions. This manipulation is aimed to create a false impression that their ideology is in line with Christian principles. By the way, it wasn't that long ago, about 60 years, when Democrats routinely justified Antisemitism by saying the Bible teaches that "...Jews are no longer the people of God because they killed Jesus" and excused treating persons of color with disrespect because they are "... the people of Cain" who were given a mark to show they had fallen out of God's favor. These views are an atrocity that apparently still linger just under the surface judging from their current support of terrorist groups set on the genocide of all Jewish people.

Keep an eye out and you will see these efforts by Democrats are strategic manipulations and not genuine expressions of Christian faith. While it is God who judges us and we make no pretense that we are arbiters of Christian truth, as a general rule, on the left the only true Christian expression that is acceptable is the superficial kind. This reality is the best example of the old Democrat 101 ideological precept: “It’s not what you do, it’s what you appear to do that counts.” As each year goes by it becomes even clear that Democrats are moving rapidly towards totalitarianism. Their target is those who have strong, informed, political resolve. Because of this Democrats are micro-focused on silencing those who stand in their way and thus are not holding back, openly persecuting Christians and Jews by painting them as crazies who actually believe the Bible and take the Jewdeo-Christian foundations of this nation seriously. 

We are including here a very informative article from's Taylor O'Neal about how the Biden administration conspires with anti-Christian groups to develop policy on how to eliminate their voice in our political discourse.

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