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The Open Southern Border and the Democrats' Racist Notions: Brown-Skinned People and Manipulation

This is a lithograph depicting representatives of the 41st and 42nd Congress of the United States (1892) who were the first persons of color to serve in this capacity in our legislative branch of government. They were all Republicans and today represents a reminder of how easy it is for a society to destroy the hopes and dreams of whole generations of people in order to achieve and hold political dominance.

When discussing our open southern border in the United States, identity politics and political affiliations often intersect, leading to a troubling reality. The belief of the Democrat Party that brown-skinned people are easier to manipulate and control, particularly in the context of electoral politics. We are going to examine the racist implications of this belief, highlighting its racist nature and emphasizing the importance of rejecting such stereotypes. Additionally, we will show that this has been a decades-old plan for Democrats one that they are currently executing. We will do this by shinning light on ideas from left-wing manifestos such as "The Emerging Democratic Majority" by John B. Judis and Ruy Teixeira (2002) and "Brown is the New White: How the Demographic Revolution Has Created a New American Majority" by Steve Phillips (2016). Publications that encourage replacing White Americans with brown-skinned immigrants because of their feeling that these populations would be easier to control and manipulate politically and would inevitably solidify a perpetual Democrat-controlled governance in the country.

Democrat Racism and Stereotyping 

At the heart of the belief that brown-skinned people are easier to manipulate lies a deeply entrenched form of racism. The Democrat Party has been at the root of Racism ever since its founding in 1828. Since Reconstruction and starting with the creation of the KKK which was intended to terrorize brown-skinned populations, Democrats have sustained a progression of at first trying to eliminate black populations through the creation of Planned Parenthood in 1916 to now trying to massively increase brown-skin populations by perpetuating the idea of inherent inferiority also based on race stereotyping. Stereotyping has been a tool of the Democrats from day one and has morphed over time from the idea that brown-skinned individuals are somehow less than human to today's belief that brown-skinned people are too stupid to get driver's licenses, are not capable of finding polling locations, and can not even be expected to figure out how to register to vote. These attitudes uphold racist ideologies and reduce individuals to simplistic and derogatory, caricatures based on their racial or ethnic identity.

Strategy "The Emerging Democratic Majority" 

"The Emerging Democratic Majority" explores the impact of demographic shifts on American politics, suggesting that increasing racial and ethnic diversity will benefit the Democratic Party. The book emphasizes demographic changes and shifting voter preferences and thus perpetuates undertones of the notion that brown-skinned people are easier to control and ultimately manipulate toward the Democrat way of seeing things and thus gaining their political alignment. Hidden in a thinly veiled analysis of electoral trends and coalition-building strategies within the context of the changing demographic the implication is clear; white people must be replaced.

Strategy "Brown is the New White" 

"Brown is the New White" [The name says it all] delves into the demographic revolution underway in the United States and its implications for politics and society. Steve Phillips argues for creating a New American Majority, composed of diverse Democrat voters, focusing on people of color. While the book highlights the "growing influence of brown-skinned communities" again the veiled implication is that they are inherently more susceptible to manipulation and thus more likely to support Democrat political philosophies. Mr. Phillips does this by advocating for "empowering" these communities and building coalitions to advance Democrat agendas while ultimately destroying White Americans' political power.

Control and Manipulation: 

The notion that brown-skinned people are easier to manipulate and more dependent as a whole is at the root of the Democrat's support of open borders. This is not only racist but also inherently flawed. It suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of history and our society's progress over the last 70 years. To assume that individuals can be easily controlled or manipulated based solely on their skin color is to deny their humanity, individuality, and capacity for critical thought and decision-making. Yet this is a risk that Democrats are willing to take even though statistically brown-skinned people have not actually been as supportive of Democrat policies as had expected. It must be said that the Democrat Party has consistently supported policies that act to trap brown-skinned people in dependency, by lowering standards, promoting low individual expectations, removing accountability, killing aspirations with the lie of Systemic Racism, and funding the destruction of families. While at the same time using the brown-skinned reality they have created to foster politically the supremacy of the Democrat Party. 

Historical Context: 

Historically, racist ideologies have perpetuated harmful stereotypes about people of color, portraying them as intellectually inferior, emotionally unstable, or morally corrupt. These stereotypes have been used to justify slavery, segregation, and other forms of oppression. Today, after 70 years of free higher educational opportunities for minorities and other underprivileged brown-skinned individuals plus 50 years of a fully integrated primary and secondary education, also free, Democrats continue to assume that brown-skinned individuals still cannot be treated as fully independent persons who are completely capable of living autonomous lives. Today, most notably, Democrats continue to support various, beliefs in the susceptibility of brown-skinned people to political manipulation and sadly it seems to be working for them.


In conclusion, the belief that brown-skinned people are easier to manipulate and control is not only racist but also unfounded and deeply flawed. It perpetuates harmful stereotypes, denies the agency and autonomy of individuals, and undermines efforts towards equity. To combat racism in all its forms, it is imperative to challenge and reject such beliefs, implement high standards, and increase individual expectations. Amplify the voices and experiences of those brown-skinned persons who have thrived, succeeded, and achieved in our society. Expose affected communities to more reality-based social constructs that focus on the value of hard work, dedication, and persistence as keys to success.  We MUST promote avoiding life choices that support racial stereotypes as a strategy to silence those who use stereotypes. It should be unacceptable for our systems of power to foster political dynamics that trap individuals in generational lies that only act to perpetuate racist stereotypes and destroy ambition with the lie of systemic racism.

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