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Showing posts from January 14, 2024

When Karine Jean-Pierre starts blinking, you know she is lying!

We have talked many times about being a member of the Young Democrats in college and campaigning for Bill Clinton as governor of Arkansas which allowed us to see close-up how the professional political class operates and literally hates the electorate. One of the things that we got to see a lot was this idea that the electorate is stupid, the "idiot mass" is what they called us, and can be told one thing today and the exact opposite tomorrow and will believe it.  The bottom line here is that Democrats don't just lie, they actually use lying as a tool to prove to themselves that they can easily pull one over on the "idiot mass" and this acts to inflate their belief that they are just smarter than everyone else. It's a Democrat habit that just doesn't work anymore. Take a look at this clip from Townhall's Larry  O'Connor  podcast. You will see this lying technique in full bloom. After you see it read on to understand how they can do this and still

Okay, what about Ron DeSantis?

  Desantis's Realities On paper, Ron DeSantis is a conservative juggernaut. He's been extremely successful as a leader in Florida, gaining bipartisan support for legislation that will be perpetual and create lasting conservative changes to Florida's State Governance and advancing a common sense social stabilization of the state's relationship to its citizenry. He literally is the only Republican candidate who has successfully built bipartisan coalitions that made real change without compromising conservative ideals.  However, as we all know there is more to politics in the United States today than how someone looks on paper. We live in an era where being an  "influencer" is far more important than being effective. Where "owning" someone is more important than the policies that one might want to enact. Because of this, the reality is, that there's virtually nothing that can stop Donald Trump. He has become the voice of a movement that over the las

As usual Democrats want to decide who gets to be the Republican Candidate for President and that person is Nikki Haley!

It's kind of been true for a few decades that a viable Republican candidate for President has to be acceptable to the Democrat Party and the Washington Elite in order to have any real chance of getting the Republican nomination. In fact, this has been true for every Republican nominee for President since George H. W. Bush received the nomination on August 18th, 1988. However, things didn't go that way in 2016 as Donald Trump single-handedly took control of the Republican Party, robbing the Political Elites in this country of their power. If the truth is told, this is the real reason the Washington DC Elite [which by the way is what is meant by the term "Deep State"] hates Trump and is willing to do anything to prevent him from becoming President. Tucker Carlson is always great at putting into words the motivations behind what is happening around us. In his latest podcast on TCN, Tucker talks about how during the wind-up for the Iowa Caucus and starting, in earnest, in

Why does the Biden Administration hate Christians?

How is it that the Biden administration (indeed the Democrat Elite) hates Christians while at the same time often painting themselves as Christian? Well, the answer is Politics, but even more a deep misunderstanding of what being Christian is exactly.   In the last decade, the Department of Homeland Security (by the way, the biggest mistake of the George W Bush Administration) has listed  " Christian Terrorism" as one of the primary domestic threats to homeland security. Apparently, the Russian Orthodox Christians are the most dangerous, followed by Catholics and then Protestants (primarily due to these denominations' stance as pro-life). So we are talking about mainstream Christians here and maybe that is the problem. Many left-wing politicians use "Christianity" as a smokescreen, something to hide their actions while doing the most  despicable, non-Christian things behind the curtain. They  manipulate certain aspects of Christianity for political purposes, but

Vivek Ramaswamy did something Donald Trump would never do, showing that he is the man Trump can never be.

We have said from the very beginning that we will support the Republican nominee no matter who that person is.  Conservatives really have no choice but to vote Republican. The Republican Party is the only political party that provides a viable conservative option. We have written in the past about the pointlessness of supporting third-party candidates and how neither party really cares if we waste our vote in that way.  Having said that, we will gladly and enthusiastically support Donald Trump come November. However after everything was said and done last night in Iowa, Vivek Ramaswamy did something that Trump could never do, he swallowed his pride, dropped out of the running, and endorsed an opponent who less than 24 hours earlier had attacked him personally in a childish unjustified way.     We are providing a link to this excellent article from Rebecca Downs at . Click through to get her perspective on Ramaswamy’s endorsement of Trump. Vivek Ramaswamy is the man that D