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Showing posts from February 4, 2024

The Open Southern Border and the Democrats' Racist Notions: Brown-Skinned People and Manipulation

This is a lithograph depicting representatives of the 41st and 42nd Congress of the United States (1892) who were the first persons of color to serve in this capacity in our legislative branch of government. They were all Republicans and today represents a reminder of how easy it is for a society to destroy the hopes and dreams of whole generations of people in order to achieve and hold political dominance. When discussing our open southern border in the United States, identity politics and political affiliations often intersect, leading to a troubling reality. The belief of the Democrat Party that brown-skinned people are easier to manipulate and control, particularly in the context of electoral politics. We are going to examine the racist implications of this belief, highlighting its racist nature and emphasizing the importance of rejecting such stereotypes. Additionally, we will show that this has been a decades-old plan for Democrats one that they are currently executing. We will