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Showing posts from March 3, 2024

Everyone is Questioning Biden's State... Of The Union

  There is an excellent evaluation of the current state of the union by Jerrett Stepmon over at The Daily Signal . His article from March 6, 2024, entitled: 6 Big Failures of Biden's Presidency , provides a critical overview of President Joe Biden's tenure, painting a bleak picture of the state of the union. It starts by asserting; "The State of the Union is febble ." and goes on to show how most Americans feel uneasy and pessimistic about the country's future, attributing this sentiment to a lack of confidence in institutions and the failures of the Biden administration. The article outlines what it considers to be six major failures of the Biden presidency: Border Crisis: It highlights what it sees as mishandling of immigration policy, accusing the administration of facilitating illegal immigration, dismantling border security measures, and using illegal immigration for political gain. DEI Bureaucratic Cultural Revolution: The article criticizes the administ

What Ended The Roman Empire? Here’s a hint:

  You ever wonder how the Roman Empire fell? It was the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth for centuries, but yet it ultimately fell into ruin. There were two main causes. Firstly everyday Romans had become adverse to taking care of the daily tasks of life, like cleaning their homes and taking care of their property, so they started importing immigrants to do this for them. You know to do the jobs that Romans didn’t want to do. Secondly, they also became weary of actually defending themselves, so they got into the habit of filling their military with foreigners. Until one day, those foreigners realize they were the ones who were actually in charge. Tucker Carlson recently took a look at how closely what’s happening in the United States is what happened in Roman about 476 AD.  We are including a synopsis of how the conversation went if you want to listen to the complete discussion; watch the video from Tucker Carlson on X at the end of this post.  Tucker Carlson's discuss