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Showing posts from March 10, 2024

It will start with TikTok and end up silancing Concervatives in this country.

This is absolutely an affront to limit freedom of speech. The temptation to eliminate the Chinese government's influence over the information on TikTok is understandable, however in a free country, it would seem to be a totalitarian action akin to, if not equal to, the totalitarian aspects of the Chinese government that we espouse to hate. Perhaps a better approach might be to inundate TikTok with opposing views to those views that we feel are damaging to our youth. The precedent that is going to be set with this action will 100% percent be used against the American people in very short order. This law is not just about TikTok, it is about censorship and government control! If it were just about TikTok, it would only cite “foreign control” as the issue, but it does not. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 12, 2024 Reality Is Truth    Return To: